Ackerman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ackerman Genealogy & History

Ackerman is an English and Dutch name. It was originally derived from the Old English word aecermann, a combination of aecer (meaning field or plowed land) and mann (meaning man). It was likely an occupational name given to those who tilled the land, probably as a bonded tenant to a manor lord. Ackerman family history is first recorded with William Acreman (an alternate spelling), who lived in Huntingdonshire in 1100. Ackerman genealogy includes Grammy-winning guitarist William Ackerman and Paula Ackerman, who was the first female rabbi in the United States. The Ackerman motto is victory in truth.

Ackerman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Ackerman-- --, 1917May ,1987MA
Babette Ackerman-- --, 1911August ,1985FL
Caleb Ackerman-- --, 1892December ,1969OH
D Edith Ackerman-- --, 1918July 6,2010NY

Ackerman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lorraine Ackerman-- --, 1921January 17,2001Williamsport,PA
F Eugene Ackerman-- --, 1929November 15,1998Pottstown,PA
Gabor Ackerman-- --, 1915November 29,2004Fort Lauderdale,FL
Halsey Ackerman-- --, 1892November ,1966Ashfield,MA

Ackerman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Burton AckermanSharon RochelleNovember 24,1973Wake, NC
David AckermanElizabeth BuntingAugust 31,2002Wake, NC
Emmett AckermanKaja SaundersJune 6,1992Wake, NC
Myron AckermanIrma RosenthalFebruary 7,1953Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Ackerman

1020th: Swartz1021st: Alford
1022nd: Denton1023rd: Godfrey
1024th: Pate1025th: Yang
1026th: Justice1027th: Pickett
1028th: Roman1029th: Shafer

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