Arndt Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Arndt Genealogy & History

Arndt is an extremely old family name descending from the Old German name Ernault or Arnolt, ern or arn denoting an eagle and wald meaning to rule. Some of the many spellings include Ahrenz, Ahrren, Ahren, Arens, and Ahrends. The first members of the family to migrate to America were Bernhard Arndt, who settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1731. Arndt family history has Rogerus filius Ernaldi as the first known spelling of the name in the Domesday Book of England in 1086. Some members of the Arndt genealogy include zoologist and physician Walter Arndt; writer and travel photographer Gary Arndt; and author, editor, and therapist Bettina Arndt.

Arndt Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A David Arndt-- --, 1939June 17,1994IN
Barbara Arndt-- --, 1929September 6,1993IN
Callie Arndt-- --, 1895November ,1979MO
Daisy Arndt-- --, 1910October 11,1987MO

Arndt Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Irene Arndt-- --, 1922April ,1992Land O Lakes,FL
F George Arndt-- --, 1920December 10,2005Groveland,MA
Gabriel Arndt-- --, 1907March ,1975Monmouth Beach,NJ
Hailey Arndt-- --, 2000February 2,2001Hammonton,NJ

Arndt Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Jeffery ArndtKatherine SetzerJuly 20,1985Wake, NC
William ArndtMae ColleyMay 16,1970Tarrant, TX
Kenneth ArndtConnie DillenbeckAugust 18,1990Harris, TX
Quinten ArndtGinger BaileyApril 27,1974Gregg, TX

Most Common Surnames After Arndt

1890th: Blackmon1891st: Fournier
1892nd: Rocha1893rd: Napier
1894th: Reardon1895th: Tierney
1896th: Queen1897th: Mulligan
1898th: Salas1899th: Zhang

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