Birch Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Birch Genealogy & History

Birch genealogy shows the name widely recorded in many forms including the English and Irish variants Birch, Burch, Birk, and Burk; the German variants Birken, Birckmann, and Birchner; the Dutch and Flemish variants Berckman and Van den Berch; and the Swedish and Scandanavian variants Bjork, Bjorkan, Bjerkan and Bjorkman. The surname can be topographical, occupational, and locational. Birch family history shows the first recorded spelling of the English name to be Walter de la Birche in 1182. The meaning if the name has been traced to bryce, meaning breaking, or birce, meaning birch.

Birch Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Birch-- --, 1909August 6,2004UT
Banner Birch-- --, 1905April ,1973NC
C Wayne Birch-- --, 1924April 29,2005VA
Daisy Birch-- --, 1911June ,1973CA

Birch Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Birch-- --, 1907January ,1973Wood Ridge,NJ
Fannie Birch-- --, 1887December ,1985Venice,CA
G Wray Birch-- --, 1922October 8,2009Sedalia,MO
H Joan Birch-- --, 1917July 17,1996Jacksonville,FL

Birch Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Cyrus BirchGinnell CurtisOctober 2,2004Wake, NC
Damion BirchAngela JohnsonFebruary 14,1998Wake, NC
Edward BirchChristina WykesMay 25,2002Hays, TX
John BirchKathryn WebbAugust 30,1958Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Birch

2488th: Kuntz2489th: Pinto
2490th: Sisk2491st: Shell
2492nd: Barone2493rd: Branham
2494th: Barkley2495th: Orozco
2496th: Duckworth2497th: Cecil

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