Blackmon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Blackmon Genealogy & History

Blackmon stems from the Anglo-Saxon locational name for people who lived near either Blackmanstone or Blachminster in Essex, England. The name also can be a nickname for someone with dark hair or skin. Some of the different spellings are Blackmonster, Blackmanstone, Blancmustre, and Blacmoster. Their coat of arms is a red fret (symbolic knot or net) on a silver shield. Blackmon family history tells us that many English families including the Blackmon family migrated to America to escape political strife and religious persecution. Some members of the Blackmon genealogy include photographer Julie Blackmon; Purdue University English professor Samatha Blackmon and football coach and linebacker Donald Kirk (Don) Blackmon.

Blackmon Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Joyce Blackmon-- --, 1929February 10,1993NE
B Murray Blackmon-- --, 1921May 18,1997TX
Callie Blackmon-- --, 1902April ,1977FL
Daisy Blackmon-- --, 1906June ,1985VA

Blackmon Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Blackmon-- --, 1937August 19,2008Baltimore,MD
Fannie Blackmon-- --, 1917November ,1983Griffin,GA
G Glen Blackmon-- --, 1946August ,1981Fremont,NC
Hallie Blackmon-- --, 1921August 9,2005Clayton,NC

Blackmon Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Buddie BlackmonDeborah FrazierOctober 6,1973Wake, NC
Charlie BlackmonCarolyn StevensJuly 12,1974Wake, NC
David BlackmonMary GatwoodApril 6,1968Wake, NC
Earl BlackmonElla DraughonSeptember 3,1965Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Blackmon

1891st: Fournier1892nd: Rocha
1893rd: Napier1894th: Reardon
1895th: Tierney1896th: Queen
1897th: Mulligan1898th: Salas
1899th: Zhang1900th: Michaud

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