Bollinger Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Bollinger Genealogy & History

Bollinger is an English occupational surname, from the Middle English bollinger and Old French boulanger, meaning baker. It may also be locational, from a few towns named Bollingen in northern Switzerland. Bollinger family history comes to the New World with Christian Bollinger, who sailed to the colony of Carolina in 1736, before it separated into North and South. Bollinger genealogy lays claim to several interesting people, such as widely-traveled quarterback Brooks Bollinger and former University of Michigan and current Columbia University President Lee Bollinger.

Bollinger Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Bollinger-- --, 1905July 23,1991DE
Barbara Bollinger-- --, 1924February 19,1999NY
C Earl Bollinger-- --, 1921June 15,2007PA
Dale Bollinger-- --, 1951September 9,1997PA

Bollinger Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Bollinger-- --, 1905September ,1966Allentown,PA
F August Bollinger-- --, 1931October 13,1996Marble Hill,MO
Galen Bollinger-- --, 1892October ,1975Payette,ID
H Marc Bollinger-- --, 1943December 3,1989Redwood City,CA

Bollinger Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby BollingerMarjory TimothyAugust 8,1987Wake, NC
Eric BollingerSusan FrancoisOctober 22,1994Wake, NC
George BollingerMyrtle RotheryAugust 5,1946Wake, NC
Russell BollingerConstance BougadesSeptember 17,1955Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Bollinger

2246th: Addison2247th: Westfall
2248th: Parham2249th: Elias
2250th: Lundy2251st: Hacker
2252nd: Will2253rd: Bourgeois
2254th: Franz2255th: Woodson

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