Cannon Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Cannon Genealogy & History

Cannon is a Scottish surname that has absolutely nothing to do with cannons. Instead, it comes from a nickname used for people associated with the church. "Canon" means right and proper, in accordance with the accepted rules and teachings, and in fact it originally comes from the Latin "canon" meaning "discipline". Cannon family history starts with the christening of John Cannon in Cripplegate, London, in 1569. Cannon genealogy claims such people as strong-willed House Speaker Joe Cannon, as well as the Cannon family of Utah, Arizona, and Idaho, of which the former was not a member.

Cannon Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Doyle Cannon-- --, 1922July 13,1992OK
B Lee Cannon-- --, 1927March 24,2005TX
C Carlton Cannon-- --, 1918March 3,1991NC
Dahlia Cannon-- --, 1914March ,1987OH

Cannon Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Christin Cannon-- --, 1921August 27,1999Orangevale,CA
F Wayne Cannon-- --, 1920November 10,1995Kokomo,IN
G Howard Cannon-- --, 1923September 6,1994Kokomo,IN
H Charline Cannon-- --, 1929November 20,2007Mccleary,WA

Cannon Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles CannonLula ThomasAugust 26,1949Wake, NC
Donald CannonShirley WilliamsAugust 21,1961Wake, NC
Edward CannonEdith LoftinNovember 6,1976Wake, NC
John CannonEugenia CooperMarch 1,1941Wake, NC

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