Conklin Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Conklin Genealogy & History

Some claim that Conklin is from the Dutch Konkelen, meaning conspirator, but no records have been found to support this. Some other spellings are Concklin, Conckeleyne, and Konkelenberg, meaning he who lives by the deep water by a hill. In the English counties of Suffolk and Norfolk, the name was found as Conling or Conking. Conklin family history has the first known recording of Steven Conking in 1575 in South Walsham, Norfolk. Their motto is: glory is the reward of valor. Noteworthy genealogy Conklin members are founder of Conklin, NY, Nicholas Conklin; biologist and zoologist Edwin Grant Conklin; and science fiction anthologist Groff Conklin.

Conklin Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Rhodes Conklin-- --, 1912December ,1984NY
Barbara Conklin-- --, 1926April 22,2003NY
Calla Conklin-- --, 1873June ,1967OH
Daisy Conklin-- --, 1909November ,1995IL

Conklin Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Gordon Conklin-- --, 1920June 19,1996Greenville,NC
F Edwin Conklin-- --, 1923January 3,2010Durham,NC
G Curtis Conklin-- --, 1919May 14,2004Cuba,NY
H Agnes Conklin-- --, 1918March 3,1997Philadelphia,PA

Conklin Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron ConklinRachel HankinsJuly 8,2000Harris, TX
Charles ConklinRegina AndersonAugust 7,1968Wake, NC
David ConklinPalastrena CheekFebruary 10,2000Tarrant, TX
Henry ConklinHenrietta MarshJuly 18,1939Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Conklin

1225th: Kendrick1226th: Drew
1227th: Grimm1228th: Elmore
1229th: Cote1230th: Clifton
1231st: Babcock1232nd: Sheridan
1233rd: Gore1234th: Hollingsworth

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