Copeland Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Copeland Genealogy & History

The surname Copeland has two possible sources, Old Norse and English. The Norse "kaupland" or "kaupa land" meant "bought land". Copeland family history indicates that these Norse members were landowners. During medieval times, when most land was only handed down from generation to generation, this was enough of a rarity to make it worthy of mentioning in the surname. The name migrated to Scotland and Northern England. It became Copeland in Cumberland and Cumbria and Coupland in Northumberland. This name may also be spelled as Copland. Copeland genealogy includes pianist George Copeland and American composer Aaron Copland.

Copeland Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Bernard Copeland-- --, 1924January 31,1997GA
B Roger Copeland-- --, 1912October 31,2005NJ
C Linwood Copeland-- --, 1923January 27,2005MA
D Alvin Copeland-- --, 1917August 26,2005SC

Copeland Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Marie Copeland-- --, 1935September 29,1995Burlington,WA
Fae Copeland-- --, 1954July 21,1996Freehold,NJ
G Pringle Copeland-- --, 1926November 23,2004Clinton,SC
H Floyd Copeland-- --, 1922January 19,2010Gainesville,TX

Copeland Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert CopelandMaurice JohnsonSeptember 1,1934Wake, NC
Charles CopelandMartha SmithSeptember 1,1934Wake, NC
Eric CopelandKaren WheelockMay 28,1994Wake, NC
Gold CopelandSue PowellMarch 19,1948Wake, NC

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