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Crabtree Genealogy & History

Crabtree is a topographical surname from the Old English crabba-treow, meaning a crabapple. It was used to indicate people living near a wild or crabapple tree. Crabtree family history enters the books in 1301, with John atte Crabbetrywe, who was added to the Parliament Rolls of Essex. There were many spelling variations at first, but (unlike most names) it does not appear to have any that survived to the modern day. Crabtree genealogy boasts several famous people, such as San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree, English biochemist Herbert Crabtree, and Blue Jays and Rangers pitcher Tim Crabtree.

Crabtree Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Crabtree-- --, 1886November ,1968AZ
B Darrel Crabtree-- --, 1915September 6,1990OH
C Curtis Crabtree-- --, 1917July 27,2007PA
Daddis Crabtree-- --, 1922January 16,2005TN

Crabtree Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Alberta Crabtree-- --, 1919July 16,1997Orange Grove,TX
Fairy Crabtree-- --, 1905April 25,1990Nashville,TN
Gabriel Crabtree-- --, 1896April ,1983Muskogee,OK
Hade Crabtree-- --, 1898April ,1978Scottsville,KY

Crabtree Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andy CrabtreeCarol McchesneyNovember 26,2001Wake, NC
Bobby CrabtreeParthenia LynamSeptember 20,1959Wake, NC
Charles CrabtreeCynthia CarterOctober 10,1981Wake, NC
Dwayne CrabtreePatsy HoskinsJuly 11,1996Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Crabtree

1112th: Trujillo1113th: Pollock
1114th: Coffman1115th: Goss
1116th: Beatty1117th: McManus
1118th: Dillard1119th: Bruno
1120th: Horner1121st: Egan

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