Culver Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Culver Genealogy & History

Culver is an occupational name from the pre-seventh-century Old English word culfre, denoting a dove and meaning a keeper of doves or someone of mellow temperament. Culfre is from Late Latin Columba, a favorite name among Christians, because the Holy Spirit is represented by the dove. Culver family history tells us that Richard Attekulverhuse was the first recorded spelling of the name in The Feet of Fines of Essex, England, in 1266. Some members of Culver genealogy include Culver Military Academy founder Henry Harrison Culver; major league baseball pitcher George Culver; and Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad founder Andrew Culver.

Culver Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Ernestin Culver-- --, 1915November 27,1985AL
B Elaine Culver-- --, 1933February 16,2001NY
C Sullivan Culver-- --, 1915September 1,2006AL
Daisy Culver-- --, 1902February ,1996GA

Culver Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Frances Culver-- --, 1919July 5,2001Westhampton,NY
Faith Culver-- --, 1944July 3,2000Saint Paul,MN
Gail Culver-- --, 1937May 12,1999Indian Lake,NY
Hal Culver-- --, 1907February 3,1988Saint Joseph,MO

Culver Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allan CulverDollie WilderJune 3,2000Tom Green, TX
Clayton CulverAlice WilliamsJuly 5,2000Harris, TX
Edward CulverMary OliverJuly 15,1942Wake, NC
Ferd CulverCharlotte MitchellSeptember 1,2000Van Zandt, TX

Most Common Surnames After Culver

1690th: Lind1691st: Sylvester
1692nd: Gauthier1693rd: Souza
1694th: Arrington1695th: Stubbs
1696th: Kyle1697th: Manuel
1698th: Burnham1699th: Friend

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