Daigle Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Daigle Genealogy & History

Daigle family history relates that of all the French names to come from Normandy, Daigle is one of the most ancient. The name is a result of the original family having lived at the castle of L'Aigle (the eagle) on the River Risle. This surname is found mainly in Vienna and also in Normandy and Picardy. It probably means one who comes from a town with that name. Daigle genealogy includes Canadian politician Armand Daigle, softball player Jennie Daigle, and Canadian speedskater Sylvie Daigle.

Daigle Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aarol Daigle-- --, 1952April 23,2010LA
Baptiste Daigle-- --, 1936May ,1973ME
Callie Daigle-- --, 1938September 27,2008LA
Dace Daigle-- --, 1969June 1,2006LA

Daigle Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Daigle-- --, 1909December ,1973Somerville,MA
Fairlee Daigle-- --, 1934October 25,2007Sulphur,LA
Gabriel Daigle-- --, 1910February 24,1994Rayne,LA
H C Paul Daigle-- --, 1920September 8,2007Marrero,LA

Daigle Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Ambrose DaigleEllen WalstonFebruary 22,2000Jasper, TX
Bruce DaigleMichell DodsonApril 16,2004Smith, TX
Craig DaigleSamantha JessupSeptember 7,2002Wake, NC
Derek DaigleSandi WallJuly 5,2002Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Daigle

2036th: Isaacs2037th: Falk
2038th: Baughman2039th: Templeton
2040th: Coats2041st: Ruff
2042nd: Shipman2043rd: De la Cruz
2044th: Jung2045th: Way

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