Daley Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Daley Genealogy & History

Daley is from medieval Irish, an anglicized form of the old Gaelic name O Dalaigh. The O signifies male and the dalach denoting a meeting place. Many variants in spelling include Daylie, Dayley, Daily, Dailley, Dally, O'Daily, and O'Daley. Loyal to God and king is the family motto. Daley family history shows Curonnacht O'Dalaigh as the first recorded spelling of the name in the 12th century; he governed a bardic school in Meath County in Ireland. Noteworthy genealogy members are Chicago mayors Richard Joseph and Richard Michael Daley (father and son), Olympic diver Tom Daley, and chief Procter & Gamble CFO Clayton Daley.

Daley Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Cowles Daley-- --, 1921June 12,1996CA
Barbara Daley-- --, 1933March 9,1998VT
C Ellen Daley-- --, 1891September ,1986PA
D Jane Daley-- --, 1926August 2,1998PA

Daley Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Bruce Daley-- --, 1918November 22,2007Geneseo,NY
F Gerald Daley-- --, 1931June 26,2002Beaver Dam,WI
G Ernest Daley-- --, 1917February 25,1998Asbury Park,NJ
Hagerty Daley-- --, 1909June ,1978Orlando,FL

Daley Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby DaleyAntonieta SalazarSeptember 1,2000Elpaso, TX
Christopher DaleyStephanie LedfordJune 2,2002Dallas, TX
Daniel DaleyDalana CardenasApril 21,2001Tarrant, TX
Eric DaleySherry AlleyJuly 21,2001Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Daley

1264th: Bower1265th: Smart
1266th: Eldridge1267th: Hoyt
1268th: Kruse1269th: Draper
1270th: Piper1271st: McKinley
1272nd: Holbrook1273rd: Finn

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