Dalton Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Dalton Genealogy & History

The surname Dalton is a locational name. Dalton family history shows that the name has two possible derivations. The first possibility is town of Dalton, in Lancashire, England, which was originally named Dale-ton, and meant the town in the dale. The second possibility is D'Alton, which was later shortened to Dalton, meaning a high hill. The name has been recorded as early as 1273, with William de Dalton of Northumberland, England. Dalton genealogy includes British actor Timothy Dalton, who portrayed James Bond in two films. More infamous family members included the outlaw Dalton brothers, also known as the Dalton Boys, who rode with Jesse James.

Dalton Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Douglas Dalton-- --, 1918March 15,1997MI
Babe Dalton-- --, 1896January 1,1989OH
C Isabelle Dalton-- --, 1918February 21,1998MA
D Irene Dalton-- --, 1912November 4,1997IN

Dalton Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Curtis Dalton-- --, 1920February 8,1996Salina,KS
F Helen Dalton-- --, 1919January 10,2001Saint Petersburg,FL
G Marian Dalton-- --, 1914November 5,1996Saint Louis,MO
H Alvin Dalton-- --, 1916August 22,1988Hillsville,VA

Dalton Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Daniel DaltonElizabeth WardJuly 3,1997Wake, NC
Macon DaltonMary BooneMay 9,1942Wake, NC
Jerry DaltonJean RoweJune 19,1969Wake, NC
Karl DaltonAmanda GrahamSeptember 22,2000Tarrant, TX

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