Dodson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Dodson Genealogy & History

Dodson is a surname that means the bearer is a descendant of an ancestor named Dodd, Dodde, or Dudde. The name Dodd derives from the Germanic and means plump or round. Dodson genealogy indicates that the name may also derive from the Old English "dod", which means to make bare, and may have been given as a nickname to bald person or someone with close-cropped hair. Dodson family history includes antique shop owner and bank robber Edwin Chambers Dodson; American painter Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson; and character actor Jack Dodson, probably best known for playing Mayberry town barber Howard Sprague on The Andy Griffith Show.

Dodson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Bruce Dodson-- --, 1920November 29,2009VA
B Phyllis Dodson-- --, 1919January 4,1992MI
C Paul Dodson-- --, 1931September ,1986IL
D Duane Dodson-- --, 1922December 24,2006IA

Dodson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Bernice Dodson-- --, 1920May 22,1999Jefferson City,MO
F Pat Dodson-- --, 1919June ,1980Las Vegas,NV
G Hardie Dodson-- --, 1918November ,1982Forest City,NC
Hadley Dodson-- --, 1908March ,1983Chicago,IL

Dodson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arlos DodsonKay DolenJune 15,1979Wake, NC
Cecil DodsonGoldina JohnsenOctober 17,1942Wake, NC
Donald DodsonSharon DavisAugust 2,1978Wake, NC
Guy DodsonJonnie RowellSeptember 22,1934Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Dodson

764th: Stanton765th: Vogel
766th: Ritter767th: Fritz
768th: Valdez769th: Giles
770th: Herring771st: Lutz
772nd: Good773rd: Kuhn

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