Dove Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Dove Genealogy & History

Dove stems from the Gaelic dubh meaning dark, indicating dark in color or in mood, and also from the bird, symbolizing meekness. Their coat of arms is a black shield with a silver band with zigzagged edges covering the middle third with three silver birds, two above and one below. Dove family history tells us that the first known recording of the name is Duncan Duff as a witness in the Charters of the Priory of Beauly, England, in 1275. Two members of the Dove genealogy are physicist and meteorologist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and contemporary choreographer Ulysses Dove.

Dove Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aane Dove-- --, 1895November ,1969MN
Bammer Dove-- --, 1890October ,1971AR
Calep Dove-- --, 1912September 24,1988NC
Daisy Dove-- --, 1890August ,1972NC

Dove Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lois Dove-- --, 1924September 13,1997Pittsburgh,PA
F A Gardne Dove-- --, 1914February 25,2005Vineyard Haven,MA
Gabrella Dove-- --, 1899September ,1987Waco,TX
Hallie Dove-- --, 1904March ,1977Cleveland,OH

Dove Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony DoveTracee BlanfordSeptember 30,2002Brazos, TX
Billy DoveVirginia McclanahanAugust 23,2003Liberty, TX
Craig DoveKimberly McgillSeptember 2,1983Wake, NC
Dennis DoveNaomi MitchellApril 28,1979Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Dove

2217th: Gaffney2218th: Devlin
2219th: McClendon2220th: Kolb
2221st: Jameson2222nd: Clancy
2223rd: McCartney2224th: Oldham
2225th: Millard2226th: Krieger

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