Dupree Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Dupree Genealogy & History

Dupree is a French name. It shares with its more common variant, Dupre, a derivation from the Old French word pred, from the Latin pratum, which means meadow. Thus it likely arose as a topographical name given to people who lived near a meadow, although it could also have been a locational name given to someone who lived in a village named Pred or something similar. Dupree family history is first recorded with one Alain Du Pre, who was born on January 29, 1538, in Ille-et-Vilaine, France. Dupree genealogy includes Louis Depree, a scholar of Afghanistan, along with his wife Nancy Dupree.

Dupree Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Dupree-- --, 1912December ,1980GA
Bailey Dupree-- --, 1923February 15,2001SC
C Russell Dupree-- --, 1915May 22,2008IL
Daisie Dupree-- --, 1913August ,1978KS

Dupree Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Dupree-- --, 1915May ,1984Tulsa,OK
Fairlie Dupree-- --, 1888May 6,1988New Castle,DE
Gail Dupree-- --, 1956October ,1980Milwaukee,WI
Hal Dupree-- --, 1905December 2,1988Newport News,VA

Dupree Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arnold DupreeCarrie SimmonsNovember 2,1950Wake, NC
Ben DupreePolly PinionJune 5,1966Wake, NC
Cary DupreeGoldie AllenJanuary 4,1946Wake, NC
Daniel DupreeDillie BarbourJuly 10,1948Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Dupree

2310th: Corrigan2311th: Croft
2312th: Espinosa2313th: Looney
2314th: Gavin2315th: Krebs
2316th: Babb2317th: Wisniewski
2318th: Trahan2319th: Stack

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