Eason Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Eason Genealogy & History

Eason stems from the son of Aythe, which is a pet form of Adam, meaning red earth. The family coat of arms has two red full-faced lions and a walking boar, with all animals facing leftward. Eason family history has Aythe Filius Thome as the first known recording of the name in Baillie of Stratherne, Scotland, in around 1630. Some members of the Eason genealogy are silent film director, screenwriter, and actor B. Reeves Eason as well as occult encyclopedist Cassandra Eason.

Eason Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Eason-- --, 1925November 15,1995NC
Barbara Eason-- --, 1923September 1,2005MA
Cadow Eason-- --, 1928February 18,2002GA
Daisy Eason-- --, 1893May ,1979NC

Eason Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Craig Eason-- --, 1924December 7,2002Lake City,MI
Fannie Eason-- --, 1896September ,1969Royston,GA
Garland Eason-- --, 1925February 28,2005Eden,NC
Hagan Eason-- --, 1920September ,1992Ocala,FL

Eason Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alphonso EasonElizabeth EddinsOctober 11,1969Wake, NC
Bernice EasonCreecy WallOctober 30,1938Wake, NC
Captain EasonAnnie WorthamJune 19,1949Wake, NC
Donald EasonCharlotte CottenDecember 26,1957Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Eason

2055th: Van Horn2056th: Squires
2057th: Garber2058th: Nunn
2059th: Hitchcock2060th: Wakefield
2061st: Graff2062nd: Ebert
2063rd: Cornett2064th: Mims

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