Ellsworth Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ellsworth Genealogy & History

The surname Ellsworth originated in the Cambridgeshire area of England. Ellsworth family history shows that the name is derived from the personal name Eli and the suffix worth, meaning enclosure or village; thus, the name means Eli's farm or Eli's village. The Ellsworth family crest listed in Ellsworth genealogy portrays red, yellow, and silver vertical bands, two with different fierce creatures. The first known recording of the family name belonged to Sanson de Ellesworth in 1272. One of the first Ellsworth immigrants to America was Josiah Ellsworth, who arrived in New England in the year 1620.

Ellsworth Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Lear Ellsworth-- --, 1929October 20,2007PA
Barbara Ellsworth-- --, 1923December 10,1998MA
Cal Ellsworth-- --, 1898February ,1969KS
Daisy Ellsworth-- --, 1903January ,1979OK

Ellsworth Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Joyce Ellsworth-- --, 1919June 10,1992Kirkland,WA
F Lee Ellsworth-- --, 1911April ,1982Watsontown,PA
Gale Ellsworth-- --, 1907August ,1985Sunnyvale,CA
H Lawrence Ellsworth-- --, 1918May 27,1996Schenectady,NY

Ellsworth Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andy EllsworthPearl ZamoraJune 22,2001El Paso, TX
Brett EllsworthAshley CatesFebruary 14,2001Denton, TX
Carleton EllsworthMisty ChadwickMarch 26,2000Jefferson, TX
Earl EllsworthKatherine KelseyMarch 26,1987Wake, NC

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