Ennis Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ennis Genealogy & History

Ennis is a Cornish family name, first found in Cornwall before the Norman Conquest of 1066. It is said that the name was locational from the village of Ennis, which was an anglicized form of the Gaelic � hAonghuis, meaning descendant of Angus, a variant of � hAonghusa that later became Hennessy. Ennis family history records numerous spelling variants, among which are Ennis, Ennys, Enys, and Eynes. James Ennis settled in Virginia in 1650, and Alexander Ennis settled near Boston in 1651. Ennis genealogy members include baseball outfielder Del Ennis; actor John Ennis; and Canadian hockey left wing Tyler Ennis.

Ennis Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Morrison Ennis-- --, 1915December 9,1999CT
Ballard Ennis-- --, 1906May 12,1988AR
C Dale Ennis-- --, 1915November 15,1997MD
D Phyllis Ennis-- --, 1921March 19,2001IL

Ennis Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Ennis-- --, 1909June ,1987Cabot,VT
Fanchon Ennis-- --, 1908July ,1984New Rochelle,NY
G Joseph Ennis-- --, 1917June 21,1994Phoenixville,PA
Hal Ennis-- --, 1944July 13,2001Los Angeles,CA

Ennis Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin EnnisKelly DennisSeptember 20,2002Tarrant, TX
Carl EnnisDoris CrumplerJuly 12,1949Wake, NC
Dwight EnnisRose LawrenceJuly 14,1945Wake, NC
Ernest EnnisRuby AveretteJune 20,1941Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Ennis

1833rd: Hightower1834th: McCain
1835th: McRae1836th: Beebe
1837th: Finney1838th: Nickerson
1839th: Lentz1840th: Mock
1841st: Drummond1842nd: Whittaker

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