Eubanks Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Eubanks Genealogy & History

Eubanks is an old English name from early times, even before the Norman Conquest. Their ancestral seat has been in Durham, England, since before 1066. Some spellings include Ewbanck, Ewbanks, Ewbanke, and Ewbank. The Eubanks family history tells us that the Ewbank family emigrated to America and arrived in New York in 1820. The family crest is a red crown with a dragon's golden head arising from it. Eubanks genealogy includes game show host Bob Eubanks; Medal of Honor recipient Ray E. Eubanks; wrestler Kristin Eubanks; computer industry executive Gordon Eubanks; and Tonight Show Band jazz guitarist Kevin Tyrone Eubanks.

Eubanks Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Eubanks-- --, 1909April 22,1989AR
Bailey Eubanks-- --, 1992October 13,2003GA
C Ed Eubanks-- --, 1917April 13,1994CA
Daisy Eubanks-- --, 1889November ,1979GA

Eubanks Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Wayne Eubanks-- --, 1937May 3,1996Stilwell,OK
Fae Eubanks-- --, 1911May ,1981Sunnyside,WA
Gail Eubanks-- --, 1919July 25,2002Jacksonville,FL
Hal Eubanks-- --, 1932October 11,2009Live Oak,FL

Eubanks Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Chester EubanksRabiab PlotesherAugust 12,1996Wake, NC
Gerron EubanksAmaris KoppelmannDecember 28,2006Wake, NC
James EubanksOla McqueenMarch 16,1932Wake, NC
Royce EubanksLola NunneryOctober 1,1932Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Eubanks

1622nd: Doss1623rd: Rooney
1624th: Richey1625th: Steinberg
1626th: Rizzo1627th: Shultz
1628th: Crandall1629th: Laughlin
1630th: Capps1631st: Delong

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