Fuentes Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Fuentes Genealogy & History

Fuentes is a residential name that stems from the pre-Christian Roman word fons (from which we also derive the English word fountain), indicating someone who lived near a well or spring. Fresh water being a critical necessity, this gave such a person an important position in the community. Some of the many spellings are Fuentecilla, Funtez, Fonte, Fontanells, Fontanet, and Fontanillos. Fuentes family history shows Hugo des Funteines as the first known recording in the Pipe Rolls of Kent, England in 1202. Some members of Fuentes genealogy include primatologist Agustin Fuentes; freestyle swimmer Rosa Fuentes; actress and producer Heidemarie Fuentes; and pro baseball player Brian Fuentes.

Fuentes Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abdon Fuentes-- --, 1913July 20,2005TX
Baldomero Fuentes-- --, 1896January 7,1989CA
Calixto Fuentes-- --, 1922November 12,1998NY
Dagoberto Fuentes-- --, 1920December ,1988FL

Fuentes Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Fuentes-- --, 1947December 1,2001Wildwood,NJ
Fabian Fuentes-- --, 1907October ,1981Lakewood,NJ
Gabino Fuentes-- --, 1916January 20,2002San Luis,AZ
Harley Fuentes-- --, 1993June 16,2003Uvalde,TX

Fuentes Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alex FuentesAna MartinezDecember 28,2002Wake, NC
Cristo FuentesMarta Lara JovelMay 1,1998Wake, NC
Edgar FuentesRubicela ArriagaDecember 15,2002Wake, NC
Felix FuentesMaria FuentesJuly 16,1999Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Fuentes

1633rd: Pederson1634th: Doran
1635th: Sapp1636th: Michel
1637th: Conroy1638th: Burkett
1639th: Schilling1640th: Goins
1641st: Rushing1642nd: Major

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