Goodman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Goodman Genealogy & History

Goodman as a surname has several possible origins: first, it was a polite term of address, used where Mister (Mr.) would be used today. (The equivalent distaff term would be Goodwife.) Secondly, it could be a Scottish term indicating a man who held land through a noble, not directly from the king. Thirdly, it could be of early Anglo-Saxon origin, deriving from the personal name "Guethmund" (battle-protector). Variant spelling forms include Godman, Goddman, Godeman, Goodman, Goudman, and Gutman. Goodman family history in America starts in 1619. Goodman genealogy includes the musician Benny Goodman and the Olympian Scott Goodman.

Goodman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Harold Goodman-- --, 1924June 25,2007AZ
B E Goodman-- --, 1915April ,1986GA
Caira Goodman-- --, 1978February ,1986FL
D Isabel Goodman-- --, 1916January 1,1998PA

Goodman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Estes Goodman-- --, 1921August 20,2010Sulphur Springs,TX
F Bertrom Goodman-- --, 1913August 26,1998Arvada,CO
G Jean Goodman-- --, 1906March ,1992Sherman Oaks,CA
H Clyde Goodman-- --, 1923February 12,2000Thomasville,NC

Goodman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alexander GoodmanEssie JohnsonMay 26,1945Wake, NC
Bill GoodmanMary JonesOctober 9,1943Wake, NC
Claude GoodmanMelissa WalstonJune 8,1985Wake, NC
Eric GoodmanMichele BenchSeptember 8,2001Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Goodman

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