Griggs Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Griggs Genealogy & History

Griggs comes from the name Gregory, a Greek name from the verb gregorein, to be awake or watchful, which was associated with the Latin grex, gregis, meaning a flock or herd, and thus a shepherd. The idea of the good shepherd made this a popular name during the Crusades, as warriors and their relatives took new names in honor of their journey. Griggs family history starts with William Griggesson, added to the Subsidy Rolls of Cambridgeshire in 1327. Griggs genealogy lays claim to a few well-known people, like award-winning first responder Bill Griggs, astronaut Admiral David Griggs, and New Jersey Governor and McKinley Attorney General John Griggs.

Griggs Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Griggs-- --, 1909March ,1979AL
B Joan Griggs-- --, 1921March 21,1988OH
Caldona Griggs-- --, 1873December ,1974CA
D Fuller Griggs-- --, 1914February ,1982NY

Griggs Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Barbara Griggs-- --, 1909August ,1992Damascus,MD
Fair Griggs-- --, 1904June ,1967Birmingham,AL
Gail Griggs-- --, 1959October ,1987Hartsville,SC
Hal Griggs-- --, 1925February 14,1993Charlotte,NC

Griggs Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alfred GriggsEmily BassOctober 20,1947Wake, NC
Bruce GriggsRuth SolleyMay 12,1985Wake, NC
Charley GriggsJo HurstOctober 27,1984Wake, NC
Glenn GriggsApril MooreMay 28,1993Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Griggs

1290th: Gunter1291st: Browne
1292nd: Lott1293rd: Godwin
1294th: Phipps1295th: Pham
1296th: Willard1297th: Yarbrough
1298th: Chung1299th: Ferris

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