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Grimes Genealogy & History

Grimes is an English surname, from the Old Norse name "Grimr", a cognate to the Old English "grima", meaning mask, with the connotation of a shape-changer or masked person. It may also come from the Old English "grim", meaning fierce. Grimes is a patronymic surname for the son of Grime. Grimes family history starts with Godwin Grim, on the Norfolk county Pipe Rolls in 1170. Grimes genealogy includes many famous people, like Confederate General Bryan Grimes, Olympic rower Charles Grimes, and 19th century Iowan governor and senator James Grimes, who provided one of the deciding votes against Andrew Johnson's impeachment.

Grimes Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Grimes-- --, 1938July 24,2007GA
B Lorraine Grimes-- --, 1919April 6,1989AZ
Caddie Grimes-- --, 1885October ,1977WV
D Lucille Grimes-- --, 1921July 16,1997MA

Grimes Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Marie Grimes-- --, 1925January 12,1994Lakewood,NY
F Kenneth Grimes-- --, 1915October 7,2002West Branch,MI
G Lee Grimes-- --, 1925December 30,1995Attica,IN
H Bruce Grimes-- --, 1915September 15,1987Mission,KS

Grimes Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Benjamin GrimesMabel BostickApril 1,1950Wake, NC
Clarence GrimesLindy McintyreMarch 1,1975Wake, NC
Donald GrimesMary EaglinAugust 1,1956Wake, NC
Ernest GrimesPhyllis AdamsApril 11,1974Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Grimes

563rd: Richard564th: Barr
565th: Reilly566th: Snow
567th: Mayer568th: Beard
569th: Harrell570th: Jimenez
571st: Howe572nd: Herrera

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