Gunn Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Gunn Genealogy & History

Gunn comes from the Old Norse gunnr, meaning battle. It is also possible that the name Gunn could be an occupational name for people who operated cannons, since Gunn also translates to cannon. The word has also been used as a colloquial name for someone who is irritable or has fiery temper, so it could be that some members of the Gunn family history acquired the name through reputation. The name is prevalent in modern Scotland. Gunn genealogy includes actor Moses Gunn, operatic baritone Nathan Gunn, physicist and Gunn diode inventor J. B. Gunn, and fashion consultant Tim Gunn.

Gunn Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Kathryn Gunn-- --, 1889September 15,1975CA
Baird Gunn-- --, 1896May ,1982IL
Calista Gunn-- --, 1916January ,1983TX
D Jeanne Gunn-- --, 1923January 22,2004IL

Gunn Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E William Gunn-- --, 1917October ,1985Bowie,MD
Fabian Gunn-- --, 1918October ,1973Jackson,MS
Gail Gunn-- --, 1901June ,1984Dillonvale,OH
H L Pete Gunn-- --, 1924June 18,2004Temple,OK

Gunn Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Angel GunnRoslyn BurtSeptember 27,1980Wake, NC
Bradford GunnElizabeth CreechOctober 16,2004Wake, NC
Jack GunnBonnie TantNovember 29,1974Wake, NC
Steven GunnSharon DanielOctober 12,1985Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Gunn

1320th: Sterling1321st: Metz
1322nd: Helton1323rd: Root
1324th: Chappell1325th: Coates
1326th: Cronin1327th: Blum
1328th: Vinson1329th: Campos

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