Hammond Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Hammond Genealogy & History

Hammond is an Anglo-French surname with three possible origins. First, it may be from the Norse name Hamundr, meaning high protection, coming to England around the seventh century; or, also from Norse, "Amundr", which means ancestor protection. Eventually, those two names were likely combined. Third, it may be Germanic, from the name Haimo, for home, carried over to England as Hammant by the Normans. In any case, Hammond family history gets off the ground with Walter Hamund, entered in the Free Rolls of Herefordshire in 1242. Hammond genealogy includes several important people, like two-term Alaska Governor Jay Hammond, former astronaut Blaine Hammond, and actor Nicholas Hammond.

Hammond Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marion Hammond-- --, 1921September 24,1994RI
B Lloyd Hammond-- --, 1915July ,1984MT
C Conrad Hammond-- --, 1898January 26,1993IN
Dagmar Hammond-- --, 1906May 15,2004IL

Hammond Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Frank Hammond-- --, 1926May 23,1997Shelbyville,IN
F Helene Hammond-- --, 1908July 6,1991National City,CA
Gabe Hammond-- --, 1915May ,1986Madison,IN
H Alan Hammond-- --, 1914November 15,2004Homer,MI

Hammond Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony HammondBarbara WhitehurstMarch 1,1967Wake, NC
Daniel HammondChristina TrippJune 27,2000Bell, TX
James HammondMartha MialDecember 23,1937Wake, NC
Robert HammondGertrude LudwigApril 4,1941Wake, NC

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