Hansen Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hansen Genealogy & History

Hansen is a metonymic/patronymic European surname. Patronymically it is derived from "Hann", the German-Flemish shortened version of Johann, itself derived from the Hebrew "Yochanan", meaning God favored me with a son. Metonymically it is also derived from "Hann" a shortened version of Hannah, the mother of prophet Samuel. Biblical names became popular during the Crusades in the 11th and 12th centuries, and Hansen family history traces back to this time throughout Europe. The Hansen spelling indicates a Danish/Norwegian heritage and Hanson a Swedish/English one. The first Hansen emigrated to New Jersey in 1640, but (especially in America) Hansen genealogy is closely tied to that of Hanson.

Hansen Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A A Cliffo Hansen-- --, 1904April 30,1989NY
B Dean Hansen-- --, 1921May 5,1996IL
C Darlene Hansen-- --, 1934July 17,2004CA
D Amelia Hansen-- --, 1920February 8,2010MI

Hansen Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Don Hansen-- --, 1915February 13,1997Sandy,UT
F Diane Hansen-- --, 1931April 21,2010Port Angeles,WA
G Aldine Hansen-- --, 1914August 9,2004Bremerton,WA
H Charles Hansen-- --, 1920April 18,1992Raymond,MN

Hansen Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin HansenCharlotte ColeSeptember 29,1979Wake, NC
Richard HansenJane MontgomeryMarch 25,1963Wake, NC
William HansenFrances DavisNovember 23,1966Wake, NC
Christian HansenCharlotte HernandezMay 2,1986Wake, NC

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