Harwood Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Harwood Genealogy & History

Harwood has its roots in pre-seventh-century English har, meaning grey, or hara, meaning rabbit, with wudu, meaning woods. This is a locational name, meaning the grey woods or the woods of rabbits. Their coat of arms is a diagonal red band with three eagle with wings open on a checkered field of gold and azure. Harwood family history mentions Hubert de Harewda in 1176 as the first known recording of the name in the Yorkshire Charters in England. Some members of the Harwood genealogy are choreographer and ballet dancer Vanessa Harwood and composer, songwriter, and sound mixer/editor/engineer Bo Harwood.

Harwood Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Harwood-- --, 1922January ,1978NC
Barbara Harwood-- --, 1928October 18,2007CT
C Edwin Harwood-- --, 1913October 23,2002MI
D Richard Harwood-- --, 1923October 17,1996NC

Harwood Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Kenneth Harwood-- --, 1919July ,1986Southbridge,MA
Faith Harwood-- --, 1910March ,1981Lincoln,MA
G Bernard Harwood-- --, 1918May 9,1997Kalamazoo,MI
H Dorothy Harwood-- --, 1920March ,1982Galesburg,IL

Harwood Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brooks HarwoodElsie KimballAugust 12,1950Wake, NC
Donald HarwoodGayle McallisterJune 26,1971Wake, NC
Robert HarwoodCarol JohnsenNovember 3,2000Johnson, TX
Michael HarwoodBrianne WeldinJuly 5,2003Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Harwood

2390th: Brubaker2391st: Quintana
2392nd: Lyman2393rd: Bach
2394th: Dozier2395th: Jarrell
2396th: McCurdy2397th: Messina
2398th: Ferraro2399th: Lusk

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