Herbert Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Herbert Genealogy & History

The Herbert genealogy has Germanic roots, tracing back to that geographic area, where they were called Hariberct. Later translated into Herbert, an Old French name, the name translates to mean a bright or resplendent army. In spite of the fact that the etymology of Herbert connotes a predilection for war, individuals from Herbert family history have made significant contributions to the arts and sciences. This includes Frank Herbert, the best-selling science fiction novelist; Auberon Herbert, a vocal member of Parliament; and Don Herbert, also known as Mr. Wizard, a self-taught scientist who demonstrated intriguing experiments to introduce children into scientific pursuits.

Herbert Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Donald Herbert-- --, 1917January ,1984NJ
Bar Herbert-- --, 1935March 10,2005MI
C Elizabet Herbert-- --, 1913April ,1983MA
Daisy Herbert-- --, 1909September ,1974MI

Herbert Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Edward Herbert-- --, 1962December 17,1991Mobile,AL
F Harvey Herbert-- --, 1925April 1,2001Corvallis,OR
Gail Herbert-- --, 1964July 4,2009Saint Louis,MO
Hal Herbert-- --, 1913March ,1983Sebastian,FL

Herbert Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin HerbertCynthia SmithSeptember 3,2005Wake, NC
Eric HerbertMartha DecarloAugust 9,1975Wake, NC
Grant HerbertDoris HallSeptember 7,2004Wake, NC
Richard HerbertFrances LewisAugust 31,1941Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Herbert

1203rd: Christopher1204th: Pryor
1205th: Regan1206th: Link
1207th: Joyner1208th: Dunham
1209th: Dodge1210th: Leslie
1211th: Cortez1212th: De Leon

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