Howe Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Howe Genealogy & History

Howe is an English name with two possible origins. It could be locational, given to those who lived in a settlement with a similar name. Alternately, it could be topographical�"hoh" in Old English meant "heel" or "projecting ridge of land", and "haugr" in Old Norse meant "mound" or "hill", so the name could have been given to someone living near a hill. Howe family history shows it as one of the earliest names recorded in writing: William de Ho (an alternate spelling) lived in Essex in 1121. Howe genealogy includes inventor Elias Howe and cinematographer James Wong Howe.

Howe Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Charles Howe-- --, 1922August 19,1998WI
Bailey Howe-- --, 1896September ,1981NY
C Thomas Howe-- --, 1925March 2,2010PA
D Ann Howe-- --, 1915January 10,1998MA

Howe Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Laverne Howe-- --, 1920March 23,2004Alexandria,VA
F Pauline Howe-- --, 1915April 9,2010York,PA
G Frederic Howe-- --, 1932October 27,2006New Oxford,PA
H Bartlett Howe-- --, 1928September 2,1998Latham,NY

Howe Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Daniel HoweMary ShaiaOctober 10,1987Wake, NC
Patrick HoweBarbara BradyApril 28,1979Wake, NC
Lewis HoweTamara ArchambaultAugust 7,1982Wake, NC
Harold HoweOla ChurchJuly 22,1966Runnels, TX

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