Hughes Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hughes Genealogy & History

Hughes is an Irish, Welsh, and French name. It was first derived from the Old French given name "Hughe" or "Hue," which in turn was an abbreviation of one of the many Germanic compounds that included the word "hug", meaning "heart" or "mind." In Wales, however, the name could also have come from the Old Celtic "huw" or "hu," meaning "fire" and "inspiration." Hughes family history is first recorded in 1327 with Thomas Hughes. Hughes genealogy includes director John Hughes and poet Langston Hughes. The Welsh Hughes motto is "Kymmer-yn Lydeirnon", which is the name of the family's lordship.

Hughes Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Alice Hughes-- --, 1962May 9,1992TX
B Inez Hughes-- --, 1898March ,1985IN
C Bob Hughes-- --, 1920November 21,1997CA
D Dale Hughes-- --, 1922November 25,2007IL

Hughes Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Barrie Hughes-- --, 1936January ,1991San Carlos,CA
F Claire Hughes-- --, 1913August 1,2006Norristown,PA
G Carol Hughes-- --, 1928October 5,2002Banning,CA
H Donald Hughes-- --, 1925January 3,1994Atascadero,CA

Hughes Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert HughesJewel KloepperJuly 22,1948Wake, NC
David HughesVirginia MizeSeptember 4,1971Wake, NC
Eugene HughesNancy BrittDecember 25,1936Wake, NC
John HughesEdythe SennaAugust 17,1938Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hughes

67th: Howard68th: Long
69th: Watson70th: Ross
71st: Richardson72nd: Price
73rd: Russell74th: Fisher
75th: Brooks76th: Foster

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