Hunter Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Hunter Genealogy & History

Hunter is an English and Scottish name. As might be expected, it was originally an occupational name given to someone who hunted animals. It was derived from the Old English "hunta", meaning "to hunt." It could also be derived from the Latin "venator", meaning "hunter." Hunter family history in Scotland begins in Ayrshire, though they likely moved to Scotland from Ireland in the fifth or sixth century. The first person recorded with the name is William Huntar (an alternate spelling) in 1116. Hunter genealogy includes Protestant martyr William Hunter and baseball pitcher James "Catfish" Hunter. The Hunter family motto is "cursum perfectio", which means "I complete the race".

Hunter Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Edward Hunter-- --, 1916February 13,2000PA
B Denice Hunter-- --, 1951June 11,1999KY
C Edwin Hunter-- --, 1912January 10,1995PA
D Lynn Hunter-- --, 1920September 9,2009ID

Hunter Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Carol Hunter-- --, 1917June 13,2001New Sharon,ME
F Ann Hunter-- --, 1924May 12,2000Chandler,AZ
G Bowditch Hunter-- --, 1914June ,1985Apollo Beach,FL
H Boyd Hunter-- --, 1922October ,1987Tulsa,OK

Hunter Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrew HunterMaude HunterApril 17,1935Wake, NC
Bud HunterAnnie RainesDecember 23,1937Wake, NC
Charles HunterMargaret BrownJune 1,1931Wake, NC
Dempsey HunterLois JonesJanuary 12,1935Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Hunter

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154th: Elliott155th: Arnold
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158th: Hart159th: Boyd
160th: Stephens161st: Hicks

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