Jameson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Jameson Genealogy & History

Jameson is a patronymic surname. This particular spelling is most common in England. It comes from the Latin Jacobus, in turn deriving from the Hebrew Yaakov, meaning one who supplants or follows after. The English version of the given name is James, and the suffix -son indicates patronymy, with one s elided to produce Jameson. Jameson family history begins in 1379, when William Jamesson was noted in the Poll Tax Records of Yorkshire. Jameson genealogy includes Jameson Whiskey businessman John Jameson and British actress Susan Jameson.

Jameson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Dorothy Jameson-- --, 1907September 6,1998OR
Baker Jameson-- --, 1902November ,1985TX
Callie Jameson-- --, 1915September 4,2004AR
Daisy Jameson-- --, 1915May 27,2004CT

Jameson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eric Jameson-- --, 1947July 12,2011Kansas City,MO
Fana Jameson-- --, 1903May 4,1990New York,NY
G Joni Jameson-- --, 1918May 1,2000Belmont,CA
H Glenn Jameson-- --, 1915May 1,2000Belmont,CA

Jameson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony JamesonBonnie CelestineDecember 31,2002Dallas, TX
Geoffrey JamesonCristy DunnApril 26,2003Midland, TX
Leo JamesonCarrie McdonaldJune 7,1939Wake, NC
Thomas JamesonLisa LandJune 1,2002Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Jameson

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2224th: Oldham2225th: Millard
2226th: Krieger2227th: Valenzuela
2228th: Wiles2229th: Melendez
2230th: Steen2231st: Lytle

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