Jarvis Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Jarvis Genealogy & History

Jarvis is an English name with two possible origins. It might be derived from the German personal name "Gervais", the origin of which is somewhat unclear. The first part is almost certainly from the word "geri", meaning "spear"; the second part is harder to track, but it might be from the word "vaulx", meaning "valley." The other possible origin of Jarvis is the town of Jervaulx; that name is taken from "Ure", the name of a river, and the aforementioned "vaulx". Gervais family history begins in Brittany, in northern France, with the Norman Conquest in 1066. Jarvis genealogy includes Ann Jarvis, who founded Mother's Day.

Jarvis Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Murray Jarvis-- --, 1919October ,1985MI
Bailey Jarvis-- --, 1902February 16,1996OK
C Ben Jarvis-- --, 1920March 16,2002CA
D Keith Jarvis-- --, 1929February 9,2009WV

Jarvis Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Izabeth Jarvis-- --, 1895August ,1976Menominee,MI
F Herbert Jarvis-- --, 1923October ,1981Burlington,IA
Gabrielle Jarvis-- --, 1915November 22,1987Chesterfield,MO
H Louise Jarvis-- --, 1929March 26,2005Abingdon,VA

Jarvis Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Gale JarvisWilma MullenDecember 16,1950Wake, NC
Joseph JarvisLinda JakubowskiJune 3,1998Wake, NC
Timothy JarvisAshley RoseJanuary 10,2004Wake, NC
William JarvisMargaret DurhamSeptember 12,1944Wake, NC

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