Jimenez Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Jimenez Crest and Family Coat of Arms

Jimenez Genealogy & History

Jimenez is a Spanish name with murky origins. One possibility is that it was derived from the old personal name "Shimon" (Hebrew meaning "to harken") or "Simos" (Greek meaning "the snub-nosed one"). Another possibility is that it is a locational name, taken from a nearby place name. Jimenez family history is first recorded with Christobal Ramirez Ximenez (an alternate spelling), who was born in Seville on July 1, 1537. Jimenez genealogy includes Juan Ramon Jimenez, a Spanish poet who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1956. The Jimenez coat of arms is a silver shield with three black wolves.

Jimenez Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Crespo Jimenez-- --, 1951March 21,1994PR
Balbina Jimenez-- --, 1899June ,1981FL
Caciano Jimenez-- --, 1940May 5,2008CA
Daisy Jimenez-- --, 1916February 24,1997FL

Jimenez Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Elaine Jimenez-- --, 1961December 5,1992Winter Park,FL
Fabio Jimenez-- --, 1934August 6,2000Los Angeles,CA
Gabina Jimenez-- --, 1889February ,1982Bronx,NY
Hadrolio Jimenez-- --, 1929December 15,1994Pico Rivera,CA

Jimenez Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
David JimenezMonica DealmeidaJune 18,1999Wake, NC
Marino JimenezAna OrtizJune 23,1993Wake, NC
Hector JimenezPhyllis NelsonFebruary 17,1999Wake, NC
Xavier JimenezVicki AnsiteJune 30,1969Webb, TX

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