Kiser Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Kiser Genealogy & History

Like many of the surnames from the Anglo-Saxon culture, the surname Kiser has a militaristic meaning. Kiser is derived from the word cuishes, which describes armor that protects the upper legs. This means that many members of the Kiser genealogy were blacksmiths. Appropriately, the Kiser coat of arms shows a shield between two lions. The Kiser family history has many different spellings, including Kisere, Kissa, and Kysser. The Kiser genealogy got its start in America in 1732, when Ananias Krafft Kiser arrived in Pennsylvania. Famous Kisers include actor Terry Kiser, professional cyclist Earl Kiser, and model Holly Kiser.

Kiser Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Irene Kiser-- --, 1924October 8,2006OH
Baber Kiser-- --, 1900April ,1973IN
Callie Kiser-- --, 1896December ,1978VA
Dacy Kiser-- --, 1896February 3,1993VA

Kiser Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Kiser-- --, 1924April 16,2000Jefferson,NH
F Margene Kiser-- --, 1920March 13,2004Pittsfield,IL
Gail Kiser-- --, 1948September 28,1997San Antonio,TX
H Alan Kiser-- --, 1918April ,1981Pittsburgh,PA

Kiser Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alton KiserToni WebbMay 13,2000Palo Pinto, TX
Bret KiserAmy BridgewaterOctober 2,2004Wake, NC
Charles KiserConstance SandersNovember 9,1974Wake, NC
David KiserDevonna OttaberryFebruary 17,2000Midland, TX

Most Common Surnames After Kiser

1603rd: Street1604th: Christie
1605th: Sorenson1606th: McNeill
1607th: Hilliard1608th: Calvert
1609th: Adair1610th: Kowalski
1611th: Solis1612th: Oakes

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