Kraus Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Kraus Genealogy & History

Kraus is a German surname from the Old Middle German Krus. It was used as a nickname for people with curly hair, much like the English Crisp or Cripps. Nicknames were a common source for surnames when governments began to require people to have them, especially in a large city, where there might be many members of a particular profession. Kraus family history enters the books with Edle Von Kraus, noted as a resident of Vienna in 1681. Kraus genealogy boasts of many famous members, such as rock-climbing pioneer Hans Kraus, Ukrainian General Anton Kraus, and Czech jurist Oskar Kraus.

Kraus Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Raymond Kraus-- --, 1928July 29,1992PA
Barbara Kraus-- --, 1927June 23,2007MA
Cajetan Kraus-- --, 1915August 23,1988NY
D Grace Kraus-- --, 1916November 25,1989PA

Kraus Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Marie Kraus-- --, 1914February 23,2003New Egypt,NJ
Fannie Kraus-- --, 1909August ,1983Irvington,NJ
Gail Kraus-- --, 1938June 28,2002San Jose,CA
Halaruis Kraus-- --, 1898January ,1976Cloverdale,CA

Kraus Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Brian KrausKim SilverthorneJuly 25,1992Wake, NC
Douglas KrausNatasha SchaadNovember 18,2000Galveston, TX
Gunther KrausKaren BraswellApril 7,1996Wake, NC
Mark KrausBrandi GerringerMarch 7,2003Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Kraus

1378th: Putnam1379th: Boucher
1380th: Crocker1381st: Whaley
1382nd: Simms1383rd: Choi
1384th: Yu1385th: Meade
1386th: Nance1387th: Butcher

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