Li Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Li Genealogy & History

Li genealogy shows that this surname has two possible derivations. Li family history shows that this surname may be Chinese, derived from a character that means "minister". It may also be a locational name that refers to the state of Li in what is currently known as Shanxi. Li genealogy shows that the descendants of the state's rulers adopted the name of their state as their surname. The second possible origin is Norwegian and is a locational name derived from the one of the many farms named Li, so named from Old Norse "hl��", a hill or mountain slope. Alternative spellings include Lee.

Li Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abilio Li-- --, 1952November 25,2004FL
Bai Li-- --, 1929April 22,2010CA
Cai Li-- --, 1957August 6,2007IL
Da Li-- --, 1932December 16,1998NY

Li Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Edmund Li-- --, 1922April ,1982Berkeley,CA
Fa Li-- --, 1900September ,1970Los Angeles,CA
Gabriel Li-- --, 1970August 29,2002San Jose,CA
Hai Li-- --, 1959August 19,2001Brooklyn,NY

Li Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Feng LiZheng NingJuly 24,2003Wake, NC
Guogang LiLina HassellMarch 19,1998Wake, NC
Peter LiMary WangFebruary 26,1966Wake, NC
Han LiFeng HsiehDecember 1,1979Wake, NC

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