Mann Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Mann Genealogy & History

Mann genealogy shows that this name is of English origin. Alternative spellings include Man, Mans, and Manson. There are several possible origins. The most likely is the Old German and Anglo-Saxon "mann", which means man and was probably a nickname for a strong person. Another possible derivation is the given name Mann, which can mean any person, from a friend to a servant to a husband. Mann family history includes famous people such as South African singer Manfred Mann and Abby Mann, who wrote a screenplay taken from the records of the Nazi war trials for the film Judgment at Nurenberg.

Mann Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Sumner Mann-- --, 1914July 11,1989MA
B Florence Mann-- --, 1914February 19,2009IL
C Ann Mann-- --, 1929February 28,2010TX
D Paris Mann-- --, 1916August 31,2009IN

Mann Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Allen Mann-- --, 1926October 9,2005Athens,GA
Fabian Mann-- --, 1994April 15,2003Zanesville,OH
G Alverda Mann-- --, 1911April 16,1988Elk Park,NC
H Eileen Mann-- --, 1910August ,1995Washington,DC

Mann Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Benona MannEthel WesterJuly 3,1931Wake, NC
Charles MannEdith StallingsJune 7,1947Wake, NC
Daniel MannRheta SalterNovember 8,1958Wake, NC
Erastus MannJuanita EnglishFebruary 14,1948Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Mann

275th: Caldwell276th: Warner
277th: Gomez278th: Fischer
279th: Lowe280th: Wade
281st: Douglas282nd: O'Connor
283rd: Sutton284th: Steele

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