Mayfield Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Mayfield Genealogy & History

Mayfield comes from middle English; it is a locational surname that derives its meaning from the village of Mayfield in the county of Staffordshire or from the village of Mayfield in Sussex. In either derivation, the name Mayfield has agricultural ties to either to the mayweed or, possibly, the madder, a plant whose root was used to dye fabrics red and purple. Mayfield family history origins can be traced back to Kent, where the family held a seat as lords of the manor. Mayfield genealogy includes early settlers in Virginia and Barbados in the 1600s and Maryland in the 1700s.

Mayfield Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Mayfield-- --, 1931January 14,1998NJ
Bailey Mayfield-- --, 1907October 27,2001OK
Caleph Mayfield-- --, 1887January ,1975TX
Dail Mayfield-- --, 1900October ,1971TX

Mayfield Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Barbara Mayfield-- --, 1917March 15,2003Glendale,CA
F Miles Mayfield-- --, 1921April 6,2003Medford,OR
G Rosenel Mayfield-- --, 1917April 30,2002Flatwoods,WV
Hailey Mayfield-- --, 1950January 8,2001Los Angeles,CA

Mayfield Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Addison MayfieldCourtney CollierMarch 25,2000Travis, TX
Christopher MayfieldElizabeth WillisApril 28,2000Cooke, TX
David MayfieldJerri GunterMarch 29,2003Wake, NC
Edward MayfieldStephanie EardleyApril 1,2000Bexar, TX

Most Common Surnames After Mayfield

1088th: Morin1089th: Hatcher
1090th: Hamm1091st: Langley
1092nd: Wooten1093rd: Sinclair
1094th: Albright1095th: Acosta
1096th: Shirley1097th: Belcher

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