McDonnell Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

McDonnell Genealogy & History

McDonnell is a Celtic name found in both Scotland and Ireland. It arises from the personal name Domhnall (Donald), from the Gaelic dubno (world) plus val (might, rule). Mac is a prefix meaning son of or descendant of. The name has been recorded as MacDonnell, MacDonnel, McDonnell, MacDonell, and McDonald. McDonnell family history notes that the name was first found in Inverness and can be traced back to the descendants of Somerled, Regulus of the Isles. Edward McDonnell arrived in Philadelphia in 1745. Members of the McDonnell genealogy include Catholic priest and bishop Timothy A. McDonnell; comic book artist Luke McDonnell; and Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell.

McDonnell Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ada Mcdonnell-- --, 1884November ,1969MA
Barbara Mcdonnell-- --, 1928August 26,2006MA
Callahan Mcdonnell-- --, 1888March ,1969NY
D Sally Mcdonnell-- --, 1916December 7,2009CA

McDonnell Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Mcdonnell-- --, 1903April ,1982Lancaster,PA
Fannie Mcdonnell-- --, 1894March ,1985Exeter,NH
Gabriella Mcdonnell-- --, 1904November 29,1992New York,NY
H Ann Mcdonnell-- --, 1928November 28,1995Indianapolis,IN

McDonnell Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andres McdonnellElizabeth WhiteFebruary 4,2000Tarrant, TX
Christopher McdonnellAdriana AlmeidaDecember 1,2004Travis, TX
Frederick McdonnellEmma AlvaradoOctober 2,1970Atascosa, TX
Kevin McdonnellDana MooreSeptember 14,2001Wichita, TX

Most Common Surnames After McDonnell

1831st: Prater1832nd: Ennis
1833rd: Hightower1834th: McCain
1835th: McRae1836th: Beebe
1837th: Finney1838th: Nickerson
1839th: Lentz1840th: Mock

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