McMillan Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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McMillan Genealogy & History

McMillan genealogy shows this surname is an anglicized version of the Old Gaelic "Macghillemhaoil", which later became "Macmhaolain". In McMillan family history, it means son of the tonsured one, indicating a member of a religious sect. The McMillan family motto is "miseris succurrere disco", Latin for "I learn to succor the distressed." The McMillan family crest depicts two hands wielding a claymore (sword) issuing from a yellow shield with a lion rampant beneath three azure stars. Famous people include politician Jimmy McMillan, founder of The Rent is Too Damn High Party. Fictional characters include Stuart and Sally McMillan, played by Rock Hudson and Susan St. James in the TV series McMillan & Wife.

McMillan Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Diane Mcmillan-- --, 1922November 11,2004NJ
Bailey Mcmillan-- --, 1918July 23,2009KY
C Ray Mcmillan-- --, 1925December 23,2003KS
Dahlia Mcmillan-- --, 1897September ,1986NC

McMillan Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Glenn Mcmillan-- --, 1927March 25,2001Houston,TX
Fabienne Mcmillan-- --, 1928December 17,2005San Jose,CA
Gabe Mcmillan-- --, 1902April ,1967Waynesboro,MS
H D Mcmillan-- --, 1931June 2,1999Palm Beach,FL

McMillan Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvin McmillanLena RiddickJuly 4,1966Wake, NC
Charlie McmillanLillie NesmithApril 21,1965Wake, NC
Earl McmillanNaomi ElliottMay 17,1937Wake, NC
Forest McmillanMary PerryJune 8,1941Wake, NC

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743rd: Everett744th: McCann

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