Milner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Milner Genealogy & History

Milner stems from pre-seventh-century mylene, which is derived from the Latin molina, meaning to grind, as well as from the Old Norse mylnari, meaning the same, thus a person who grinds grain. Their coat of arms is three smooth-edged grey wolf heads, two above and one centered below on an ermine field. Milner family history mentions John le Mulnare in 1275 as the first known recording of the name in the Subsidy Rolls of Worcestershire, England. Some members of the Milner genealogy are actor Martin Milner, neuropsychologist Brenda Milner, and linguist and philosopher Jean-Claude Milner.

Milner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Milner-- --, 1921May ,1987PA
Barb Milner-- --, 1947November 29,2008CA
Calista Milner-- --, 1915May 9,2002IL
Daisy Milner-- --, 1901October ,1979GA

Milner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Milner-- --, 1930July 6,1998Cataula,GA
Fairis Milner-- --, 1904July ,1973Lexington,KY
Galina Milner-- --, 1937July 5,2008Brooklyn,NY
Hal Milner-- --, 1887May ,1970Oroville,CA

Milner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Charles MilnerEvelyn MoweryJune 12,1959Wake, NC
George MilnerKathleen BreenahanMarch 24,2001Dallas, TX
Lorenzo MilnerAndrea TowlerDecember 23,1970Wake, NC
Scott MilnerNatalie MerrillMay 27,2000Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Milner

2387th: Selby2388th: Boehm
2389th: Harwood2390th: Brubaker
2391st: Quintana2392nd: Lyman
2393rd: Bach2394th: Dozier
2395th: Jarrell2396th: McCurdy

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