Molina Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Molina Genealogy & History

Molina is an occupational name given to someone who worked in or owned a mill, from the Spanish word molino, meaning mill. It appears most frequently in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Molina family history indicates that the name was first found in Castile, an important Christian kingdom of medieval Spain. Spelling variations include Molina, Molino, Molinar, Molinero, Molinera, Moliner, Molinas, Molinos, Molinedas, Molinillo, and many more. Alonso de Molina, a Spanish immigrant to Mexico and Franciscan priest, wrote a ground-breaking Spanish/Nahuatl dictionary by 1571. Prominent individuals in the Molina genealogy include former Bank of America CFO Alvaro de Molina and actor Alfred Molina.

Molina Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Manuela Molina-- --, 1908May ,1984NY
Baldomero Molina-- --, 1900July ,1982TX
C David Molina-- --, 1926December 15,1996AZ
Dahomet Molina-- --, 1920March 26,1996FL

Molina Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Aida Molina-- --, 1922January 6,1998Staten Island,NY
Fabia Molina-- --, 1915November 28,2006Los Angeles,CA
Gilberto Molina-- --, 1968July 1,1996Bronx,NY
Harold Molina-- --, 1956June 9,2005Albuquerque,NM

Molina Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Abraham MolinaHelen BryantNovember 8,2000Wake, NC
Elmer MolinaMaritza BerriosApril 26,2006Wake, NC
Jose MolinaStephanie EvansOctober 8,1998Wake, NC
Marcelo MolinaKathryn ChaseSeptember 25,2004Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Molina

1250th: Clifford1251st: Stroud
1252nd: Pacheco1253rd: Blanton
1254th: Paulson1255th: Stratton
1256th: Gagnon1257th: Metzger
1258th: Teague1259th: Bowles

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