Mullin Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Mullin Genealogy & History

Mullin is an English occupational and topographical surname from the Norman moulin, meaning mill, and referred to someone who lived near or worked at a mill. It might also come from the Gaelic Maolan, meaning tonsured and referring to a monk or other clergyman. Mullin family history begins in 1159, when Ralph de Molins was noted in the Pipe Rolls of the city of London. Mulling genealogy includes award-winning Golden State Warriors point guard and coach Chris Mullin and pioneer sound engineer Jack Mullin.

Mullin Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Mullin-- --, 1935June 5,2010MN
Barbara Mullin-- --, 1936September 11,2006MA
C Raymond Mullin-- --, 1931September 11,2005NY
Daisy Mullin-- --, 1888June ,1970IN

Mullin Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Mullin-- --, 1904September 28,1995Miami,FL
Fannie Mullin-- --, 1884August ,1974Grenada,MS
Gail Mullin-- --, 1946March 19,2007Coatesville,PA
Hanife Mullin-- --, 1915April 21,1996Forest Park,IL

Mullin Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Barry MullinHeather MullinsJuly 26,2003Jefferson, TX
Christopher MullinKatherine AllenSeptember 30,2000Montgomery, TX
Frederick MullinCynthia VillarrealJanuary 4,2003Galveston, TX
Giles MullinCharmaine DiazApril 19,2003Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Mullin

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2337th: Ness2338th: Beaty

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