Newman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Newman Crest and Family Coat of Arms

Newman Genealogy & History

The surname Newman is of Anglo-Saxon and Germanic origin. Versions of this name are found in England, Germany, Austria, Ireland, and Switzerland. Derived from the words "neowe" and "mann", it translates to new man and was probably given to a person who was newly arrived. The family coat of arms is described in Newman genealogy as a red field with a cannon and silver crossed swords. Newman family history shows the first recorded spelling as belonging to a Stangrim Noueman in Norfolk, England, in 1166. Famous people with this name include Academy Award-winning actor and philanthropist Paul Newman.

Newman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Alan Newman-- --, 1914July 28,1988NY
Babette Newman-- --, 1909January 18,1997VA
C Burton Newman-- --, 1916January 19,1993NY
D Lamar Newman-- --, 1920October 13,2003WI

Newman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arthur Newman-- --, 1914November 19,1998Towson,MD
Fabian Newman-- --, 1903May ,1980Saint Paul,MN
Gabe Newman-- --, 1887February ,1975Anaheim,CA
H Anthony Newman-- --, 1943January 27,1990Chesterton,IN

Newman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bertram NewmanAnn HorowitzAugust 25,1954Wake, NC
Charles NewmanPortia MitchellMay 27,1956Wake, NC
George NewmanOra MossMay 26,1951Wake, NC
James NewmanFrances HicksJune 18,1938Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Newman

217th: Montgomery218th: Schwartz
219th: Dean220th: Austin
221st: Keller222nd: Day
223rd: May224th: Walters
225th: Harvey226th: Lawson

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