Peters Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Peters Genealogy & History

The surname Peters derives from the Greek word "petros", which means a rock and is connected to Jesus' disciple St. Peter, who is considered the founder of the Christian Church. Peters family history shows that this name was brought back into England by the Crusaders. Alternative spellings include Peter, Petre, Petrey, Peterson, and Petersen. One of the earliest known listings of this name is listed in Peters genealogy as that of Ralph Peter in Hertfordshire, England, in 1195. The Peters family motto is "invidia major", meaning "superior to envy". Famous people with the surname Peters include Broadway star Bernadette Peters and American coloratura opera singer Roberta Peters.

Peters Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Alberta Peters-- --, 1922August 20,2006MA
Barney Peters-- --, 1959June 21,1996GA
C Albert Peters-- --, 1912January 5,1991NH
D Kenneth Peters-- --, 1913February ,1979MN

Peters Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Aline Peters-- --, 1927March 15,1997Metairie,LA
F Ellett Peters-- --, 1914January 10,1998Harrington,WA
G Faye Peters-- --, 1933December 29,2008Coralville,IA
H Berkeley Peters-- --, 1918December 18,1994Kansas City,KS

Peters Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Louis PetersConstance CollisAugust 2,1941Wake, NC
Robert PetersAlice LehmanMay 8,1943Wake, NC
'Acob PetersElsbeth SuhrMay 16,1860Scott, IA
Zarak PetersRona FeltonAugust 26,2000Fort Bend, TX

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