Rees Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Rees Genealogy & History

The surname Rees can be of French or Welsh derivation. Rees family history shows the French name derived from the Old French roy meaning king and referred to someone with royal bearing or one who played a king in a festival. The Welsh version is a patronymic from Ris or Rhys, meaning fiery warrior. The coat of arms depicts three black ravens on a silver shield with a chevron. Alternative spellings in Rees genealogy include Reese and Rhys. The family motto is gracieusete de ray, meaning graciousness of the King. A fictional character with this surname is Person of Interest protagonist John Rees.

Rees Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Rees-- --, 1912September ,1976NY
Barbara Rees-- --, 1934May ,1983MO
Caleb Rees-- --, 1914April ,1979PA
Daisie Rees-- --, 1887April ,1976WA

Rees Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lloyd Rees-- --, 1914September 4,2004Buchanan,NY
F Worth Rees-- --, 1918June 15,1996Golden,CO
G Howard Rees-- --, 1924May ,1992Chico,CA
H David Rees-- --, 1913November ,1977Provo,UT

Rees Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Daniel ReesTammy WillsMay 19,1996Wake, NC
Rick ReesJudith PileggeAugust 20,1976Wake, NC
John ReesJoan SeagravesFebruary 10,1996Wake, NC
Hal ReesLisa KeithMarch 1,1997Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Rees

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2133rd: Redding2134th: Earl
2135th: Upton2136th: Scruggs
2137th: Dobbins2138th: Russ
2139th: Early2140th: Joiner

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