Rhoads Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Rhoads Genealogy & History

Rhoads is an English name. Like its more common spelling Rhodes, it has two potential origins. First, it could be derived from the Old English word rod, meaning clearing, in which case it would be a topographical name given to someone who lived in a clearing. Alternately, it could be locational, given to people who lived in a town named Rhodes or something similar. Rhoads family history begins in Lincolnshire, a county in the east of England, where they were given land by Duke William of Normandy. Rhoads genealogy includes Randy Rhoads, an extremely skilled and influential guitarist.

Rhoads Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Rhoads-- --, 1902December ,1982PA
B Helen Rhoads-- --, 1922May 23,2000MO
C Anne Rhoads-- --, 1928February 10,1995PA
Daisy Rhoads-- --, 1905January ,1972OH

Rhoads Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Claire Rhoads-- --, 1915April 9,1995Grand Rapids,MI
Fannie Rhoads-- --, 1906November ,1973Charleston,SC
G Colleen Rhoads-- --, 1943October 5,2006Provo,UT
H Luther Rhoads-- --, 1918April 12,1996Lancaster,PA

Rhoads Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Jason RhoadsAubri RoweSeptember 20,2008Wake, NC
Harroll RhoadsSusan DeasApril 26,1975Dallas, TX
Victor RhoadsMarsha StanleyJune 6,1969Taylor, TX
Norman RhoadsShirley WilliamsJune 21,1968Harris, TX

Most Common Surnames After Rhoads

2113th: Tang2114th: Carnes
2115th: Yee2116th: Linder
2117th: Snodgrass2118th: Seitz
2119th: Hong2120th: Linn
2121st: Sherrill2122nd: Freedman

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