Roe Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Roe Genealogy & History

Roe is an English and French surname, from the Old French roi, meaning king. As with other surnames suggesting nobility, it was used as a nickname for people who acted like kings or won the title in a contest, rather than for actual royal blood. It may also come from the Old English roege, meaning roe deer, and indicated someone who moved quickly. Roe family history starts with Ului Ra, noted in the Feudal Documents in the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds in Suffolk, 1095. Roe genealogy includes several famous people, such as Union Admiral Francis Roe, for whom a ship was named during each World War.

Roe Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Louise Roe-- --, 1926October 26,1994MO
Barbara Roe-- --, 1933December 28,2003OH
C Dawson Roe-- --, 1917September ,1982MD
D Jean Roe-- --, 1921February 12,2007IA

Roe Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eada Roe-- --, 1889October ,1972Dalton,GA
F Elizabet Roe-- --, 1916October 14,2000Fabius,NY
Gail Roe-- --, 1907August 13,1998Seymour,IN
H D Jack Roe-- --, 1923November 30,2002Greensboro,NC

Roe Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Anthony RoeCarla AldridgeJuly 13,2000Dallas, TX
Brandon RoeJanie MilesNovember 6,2004Wake, NC
Charles RoeJill SavageDecember 21,2000Tarrant, TX
Daniel RoeMyriam DealbaDecember 22,2000Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Roe

1130th: Grady1131st: Minor
1132nd: Gold1133rd: Seymour
1134th: Crouch1135th: Gilliam
1136th: Whitley1137th: Tomlinson
1138th: Magee1139th: Greenwood

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